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About Us


Meet our Co-founders.


My name is Linus Lasway. I like wildlife and nature conservation, cultural heritage preservation, swimming and traveling. My favorite song is “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson.

I was born and grew up on the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. Day by day I was very happy to wake up and see the ice on top of Mount Kilimanjaro shining like a star. It was an indication of life for me but currently the ice at the top of mount Kilimanjaro is rapidly decreasing and I am scared of our future, but planting trees is better than complaining about climate change.

I am holding a Postgraduate Diploma in Wildlife Management from College of African Wildlife Management (Mweka) and Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Cultural Heritage from University of Dodoma.

After graduating from university 2012, in early 2013 I convinced my colleagues Hamis, whom I met at the University, and Daniel, whom I met at High School, to establish a sustainable eco-cultural tourism project around the Rau Forest Reserve in Moshi town to protect the forest and empower local youth and women.

So for me protecting Rau Forest is my dream that has come true.

My favorite Conservation Quote is from Wangari Maathai, She once said; “Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven’t done a thing. You are just talking” Wangari Maathai


My name is Daniel Maembe. I have passion for environmental conservation, and I believe that the resources can be used sustainably by involving the community directly to participate and generate solutions. I believe that anything can be achieved by harnessing the energy and vitality of the younger generation.

I was born and grew up in Moshi and I have watched how the waste disposal system has changed and led people to dump garbage in the Rau Forest Reserve and adjacent villages.

I am holding a bachelor degree of Community Development bias with Project Planning and Management from Tengeru Institute of Community Development.

I met with Linus at High School. We were members of MaliHai clubs Of Tanzania, that support Tanzanian Communities in awareness and participate actively in conserving earth’s biodiversity. Sometime later we established the idea of an ecotourism project around the Rau Forest Reserve in Moshi town.

I want to educate the community about the importance of keeping our environment healthy.

My favorite Quote from Jane Goodall, She once said;

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved”. (Jane Goodall)


My name is Hamis Msuya. I am a young graduate with a strong passion for environmental conservation, travel and tourism, cultural exchange and making positive changes to my community.

I grew up in Mwanga district, one of the districts in Kilimanjaro region, where climate change and environmental conservation awareness is still a problem. When I was growing up, I saw many trees cut down.

In 2013 my friends Linus and Daniel, we got the chance to visit Rau Forest reserve in Moshi. We observed the same environmental problems there, so we decided to do something, which will not only make positive changes to this precious forest and its community but will also inspire other young graduates.

That’s when the Rau Eco Tourism Program was born.

My favorite Quote from Waangari Maathai, She once said;

‘‘It’s the little things citizens do. That’s what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.’’ (Wangari Maathai)

Visitors’ DOS and DON’TS Around Rau Forest Reserve and The adjacent Communities.

Rau Forest reserve Community welcomes you and wishes you an interesting and pleasant tour around the local villages and in the forest. We hope that you will enjoy our beautiful forest, people and culture, our natural environment and the other attractions that you will encounter during your visit.

In order to make your tour an environmentally and socially responsible one, here are some DOS and DON’TS to our customers:

  • Book tour with locals guides from Rau forest community because they know the forest better than anyone else. Also you support their purpose to protect Rau forest reserve.
  • Always accompanied with a guide and avoid walking by yourself around the forest.
  • Refrain from harming any plant or animal life you encounter during your visit to our area, walk carefully and always look on the ground to avoid stepping on insects like millipedes, dung beetles and more.
  • Ask permission before photographing people. Our local guide may assist on the best way to take photos with locals.
  • Learn some basic Swahili words so that you can communicate with locals easily, especially childrens around the community.
  • Wear decent clothes, respect people’s culture.
  • If you want to support, consider creative ways to contribute to communities, not to individuals. You can support community projects like conservation, recycling, cleanliness campaigns, sports gears like Kit, footballs, schools (e.g. books, pens and exercise books). This will have a more positive and long- term impact.
  • DON’TS.
  • Do not smoke cigarettes while in Rau forest reserve and local farms, cigarettes can cause fires and destroy the forest or local farms.
  • Do not pick any leaves or flowers and unroot any seedlings in the forest.
  • Do not collect any seeds of any of the tree species around Rau forest reserve or any other protected area around Tanzania.
  • We have different species of monkeys, which are sensitive due to tourism activities: Do not disturb or feed them, as this may have a negative effect on their behavior.
  • Do not give gifts to the kids: This encourages them to beg and depend on tourists instead of going to school.
  • Trash in - trash out: Waste materials are a burden to the environment. Dispose of them in a proper way. Our guides are happy to collect them and keep them until the end of the tour and put them in the proper places.
  • Our Team

    Daniel Maembe


    Hamisi Msuya


    Linus Lasway


    We are taking leadership in the following topics.

    Our Vision Speech.

    Metaphoric Version of Our Vision,
