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Hamis Msuya

Hamis Msuya

Hamis Msuya

About Me :

My name is Hamis Msuya. I am a young graduate with a strong passion for environmental conservation, travel and tourism, cultural exchange and making positive changes to my community.

I grew up in Mwanga district, one of the districts in Kilimanjaro region, where climate change and environmental conservation awareness is still a problem. When I was growing up, I saw many trees cut down.

In 2013 my friends Linus and Daniel, we got the chance to visit Rau Forest reserve in Moshi. We observed the same environmental problems there, so we decided to do something, which will not only make positive changes to this precious forest and its community but will also inspire other young graduates.

That’s when the Rau Eco Tourism Program was born.

My favorite Quote from Waangari Maathai, She once said;

‘‘It’s the little things citizens do. That’s what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.’’ (Wangari Maathai)
It’s the little things citizens do. That’s what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees. - Wangari Maathai